Impact campaign “À notre tour !”

When we decided to produce Hanna Assouline’s film À notre tour! with Gogogo Films, it was clear that the goal would be to use this film as a tool for debate and for fighting against racism and antisemitism.

This practical approach close to activism has a name: impact producing.

The impact campaign launch at Cinema Louxor, may 2022

Despite the difficulties due to the pandemic, we held on and developed our project, with the support of the Interministerial Delegation against Racism, Antisemitism and LGBTQIA+ hate (DILCRAH) and the Storyboard Collective foundation.

End of 2021, the first screenings took place within non-profit organizations. Then, in early 2022, we set up debates in schools animated by film director Hanna Assouline (see the video above).

In may 2022, we launched the impact campaign web site ( and the Instagram page. We co-drove with the city of Sarcelles a large-scale operation which allowed 50 young people to make their own film about fighting against racism and antisemitism.

In 2023, we plan to organize 10 kick off screenings for teachers, non-profit organizations, places of memory etc. during the DiLCRAH’s Week against Racism and Antisemitism in order to build new processes for dialogue and artistic expression around these themes.

We hope to reach in 2023 at least 200 teachers/coordinators and 1000 young people.

Are you interested by the project ? Write us at